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Looking East down Margaret Rd

Looking West on Rosetta Rd Side

Looking West Aerial down Raumati Rd


22,000 sqft of new retail building

7,000 sqft of Office and Apartments

Building on this project is scheduled to commence early next year (2008) and as it is designed to comply with all the local development and building bylaws, it is expected all requisite consents and approvals will be obtained this year. Preliminary work will commence late this year.

The construction design is such that only a very limited amount of disruption is expected to the existing retailers and their day to day business (much of potentially disruptive work will be done after hours). The most likely outcome, as we experienced in our last major development in the area, is that the interest factor was so high that it in fact increased the traffic and the public awareness of the shopping that was available at the Raumati Beach Village.

Retailers in the shopping centre all expressed their enthusiasm and support for the development and agreed it would really put Raumati Beach Village Shopping Centre on the map.

This is the first major retail and office development in the Raumati Beach Village within the last 10 years and will cement the Village as a destination shopping centre.

The design is in keeping with the current highly successful cedar wooden look and will retain the intimate village feel. It will become the largest integrated strip shopping complex within the region and will contain over 35 retail shops and 25 offices. With two boutique cinemas, one 25 seater and one 50 seater, and large auditorium area where ‘Kiwi made’ and sourced products will be showcased on a monthly basis as well as providing a catwalk for fashion shows that local women’s fashion shops will be encouraged to participate in. Boutique wineries will also be featured as well as specialty kiwi crafts and foods. Kapiti coasters and beyond will have an added educational and fun leisure activity to add value to their shopping.

This development is simply extending a formula that is already currently successful. RBVSC has incubated and watched the growth and development of many of its current retailers as they came tentatively out of their successful ‘garage or home’ businesses and established a foothold at the village and have now outgrown their current premises and need more space!

The most satisfying development has been that a lot of specialty local makers of goods from women’s clothing to fresh home baking, have found an outlet where they do not have to conform to the requirements of malls. RBVSC has worked hard on creating an environment of local products and services. The key driver being the TV Show Cheers byline “A place were everybody knows your name……” In an increasingly fast paced society to have a place where the service and attention is given by the owner of the business who knows you by your first name is very special.

The development has been fueled by both retailer and office demand and especially the need for existing businesses to expand. In addition to this is the want and encouragement by the current owner/investors of Raumati Property Holdings limited to see that the original vision of the previous owners is brought to fruition.

Already 25% of the retail space has been taken and it is fully expected that within the next 3 months as current and new enquiries for space are concluded along with advertising that up to 75 to 80% of the centre will be let before construction begins.

The extraordinary retail success of the Raumati Beach Village over the last ten years, with an average occupancy rate of 97%, has been put down to getting the external environment absolutely right and ensuring that only a mix of high quality convenience stores and highly specialized boutique stores were accepted.
Many retailers have over the ensuring years been turned away as they did not fit the mix.

Ten yeas ago when Raumati Beach was a sad looking collection of shops there was grave doubt as to whether ‘strip shopping like the Raumati Beach Village would survive.

Now however, shopping centre's such as Raumati Beach Village well located and under good management are regarded as the hottest new retailing and investment opportunities.

For more information about the development or lease opportunity please feel free to contact Keran or Ellena on (04) 2995556 or email us

Raumati Beach Village, Margaret Road, Raumati Beach, Kapiti Coast.
Ph. (04) 2995556 Email Us: [email protected] © 2007 Raumati Property Holdings Ltd